Terms & Conditions
The car is rented under the terms and conditions of the A & G Intermed on both sides of the Lease Agreement. The Customer is kindly requested to read the Rental Agreement and to confirm by signing his agreement to accept his terms. A & G Intermed reserves the right not to rent a vehicle without further explanation. The customer must meet the A & G Intermed standards, requirements and qualifications, ie age, address in Romania, payment form, valid car license and valid Identity Card.
1. Using the vehicle
In order not to lose the risks covered by the Insurance Policy, the Customer undertakes not to lease the vehicle to a third party nor to allow the driving of the vehicle by anyone other than the persons mentioned in the Contract and approved by the Owner, for which he / she bears the full responsibility. The Client also undertakes not to use the car for the following purposes:
a) To carry passengers for a fee or to participate in car races;
b) For pushing or towing any kind of vehicle or trailer;
c) It will not allow the driving of the vehicle by people intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
d) For the transport of goods for other illegal purposes;
e) It will not allow the vehicle to run under overload conditions (eg transporting more passengers than specified in the carriage or breaking the specified vehicle load limit in the carriage);
f) The vehicle will only be driven by the persons designated in the Contract after having received the Owner's approval, provided they are at least 21 years of age and have a driving license of at least one year;
g) The customer will ensure that the vehicle that is the subject of the Contract will be closed and locked while it is not being used and will be obliged to keep the vehicle's documents (the luggage, the compulsory insurance and the keys of the vehicle), which will not be left in any way inside the car. Any deviation from this condition, in the sense that the documents will be left inside the car, is considered to be the fault of the Customer and can not be considered a negligence, the Client being fully liable for the material or criminal liability as appropriate. He will also use the anti-theft system (alarm) whenever the car remains parked;
h) Customer is forbidden to transfer, sell, mortgage or deposit as collateral this Contract, car or equipment and equipment, or to take similar actions to the detriment of the Owner. Any offense or violation of these provisions shall entitle the Owner to urgently request the return of the car and the termination of the Contract.
2. Delivery and return of the vehicle
The customer will find with our agent that the car is clean and in good working order. Check that all five (5) tires do not have any damage or damage, and the Customer is liable in the event of any damage to the tires (and caps) or rims (in conditions other than normal) to replace them at their expense some of the same size, type and same wear. The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle together with the documents, documentation, accessories and equipment in good condition at the place and date agreed in the Rental Agreement. At a delay of more than 3 hours from the time specified in the Contract, if the Customer does not inform A & G Intermed by phone about the delay, a deviation from execution of the contract is considered and our Company reserves the right to inform the Police about the disappearance of the rented good.
For international rentals the contract price is the one-way fare with one exit and one customs entrance.
Violation of this provision results in additional tariffs, including loss of warranty.
Unlimited mileage means transportation on a roundabout route within 3600 km. The difference in kilometers is charged with additional days of rental.
3. Renting - Advance - Extension
The rental price is set according to the type of car and the time period according to our offer. Regardless of the way of payment, the total cost is paid in advance. In the case of cash payments, the final amount in LEI is calculated at the official rate of the NBR. Cardholders accepted as payment instruments by our firm will be locked up to the LEI leased fee at a course covering the bank fee. In the event of exceeding the set period (only with the written consent of the Owner), we shall mention that the Lease Prolongation must be paid in full, any kind of advance being insufficient. Otherwise, the Customer is subject to the Criminal Code for illicit possession of goods and abuse of trust.
The minimum rental period is 1 day (24 hours), the first hour that exceeds 24 hours is free of charge, more than one hour late will be charged one day at the standard rate.
In the event of cancellation of a prepaid reservation, the policy of our company is the following: Thinking Customer within 24 hours after making the reservation guarantees him / her 100% recovery of the paid advance, less the bank charges (trading). Upon the actual takeover of the car is less than 24 hours, the cancellation of the reservation will result in full payment of the paid (paid advance) payment. The customer undertakes to return the car to our agent at the date and time set in the Rental Agreement. The takeover of the vehicle by the hiring agent at the agreed location implies the final conclusion of the Contract. The customer is required to specify in the Contract or the agent his full address as he will incur any fines that will be paid to us by the post for the period when he rented the car. The return of the unmanned vehicle and the subsequent finding of damages that could not be seen when taking over the car, entails the Customer's responsibility.
If the car is delivered earlier than the days stipulated in the Rental Agreement, except when the rental days represent the minimum rent for a particular country, the amount will be recalculated according to the prices displayed on our website, as well as accepted internally by A & G Intermed SRL.
4. Pay
The Client undertakes to pay to the Owner upon request the following:
a) An additional charge for inter-city services, in the event that the car is returned to a place other than that stipulated in the Contract, without the Owner's consent. The fee will be either a global amount according to a table, or a transfer price dependent on the number of kilometers between our locations and the place of return.
b) Rental price, as well as special taxes such as: Airport Tax, Additional Driver Fee, Snow Charge, everything according to our table showing our offer.
c) The Customer is obliged to make a deposit for the proper execution of the Contract in favor of the Owner, also called a Security Deposit, depending on the type of the car according to the table and agrees, as the case may be, that the owner will indemnify and execute this deposit in the event of damage caused to the car by its fault, possible accidents, or in the parking area, according to the factual statement drawn up by the car service. This amount will be retained in cash or on the card and fully refunded only in the context of the vehicle being returned under the same conditions as it was rented.
d) All direct and indirect taxes related to the payments specified in paragraphs a), b) and c).
e) Upon requesting payment by our company, the transfer of the amounts due according to the Rental Agreement will be made within 48 hours. Failure to comply with this term as regards both the service price and the recoverable taxes will oblige the Customer to pay a 1% penalty for each rental day. If the Owner is required to wait for the Customer, then all outstanding invoices will be pending (payment). As a penalty, the Customer will pay a 20% tax on the outstanding amounts.
f) All fines and charges generated by violating the Road, Parking or any other Law, even if they are addressed to the Owner, except for those for which the latter is guilty.
g) In case of loss of or damage to vehicle documents or keys, a fee of 200 Euro will be charged.
h) The vehicle is delivered / returned with the empty tank depending on the level of the on-board indicator and the return will be the same.
i) The tire explosions and the deformation of the jaws, result in the suspension of the purchase price plus their installation.
5. Insurance
1. The Customer together with each additional driver approved by the Owner pursuant to Article 1 above expresses the agreement to participate as part of an Auto Insurance Policy, the copy of which is annexed to the documents of the Machine and available to the Client. This is the Civil Liability Insurance (MTPL) covering the risks of injury and damage suffered by a third party, according to the legislation in force in Romania.
2. The Customer hereby expresses its consent to this Policy and also the commitment to read and comply with its terms and conditions. Thus, the Client will do everything necessary to protect the interests of the Owner and his insurance company in the event of an accident occurring during the Rental Contract:
a) Will immediately notify the Owner, at the same time as the Police, of any accident, theft, fire, whether with or without injury, in the parking area, by fault or not of the Customer;
b) Make a report containing the circumstances, date, place and time of the accident, theft, and the names and addresses of the witnesses, the owners of the other vehicles involved, their registration numbers, together with the name of the insurance company and the RCA Policy number;
c) Attaches to such a report, the Proceedings prepared by the Police;
d) Under no circumstances will discuss, negotiate or understand the parties involved in the accident.
3. Clothes or other items carried are not covered by the Insurance Policy.
4. The car is insured only for the rental period included in the Contract. After its expiration, in the absence of an extension approved by the Landlord, the Client becomes solely and wholly responsible for any accident.
5. Our company is absolved of any responsibility for the objects left or forgotten in the car during the rental.
6. Damages caused by inappropriate use of the vehicle are borne by the Customer (driving on rough roads, etc.).
7. If the Customer has provided (knowingly) false information about his identity, address or validity of his / her own driving license, the Owner is relieved of any liability for the third party involved. The Client is also not covered by the Insurance Policy.
8. In order to ensure full coverage leading to indemnification of the Owner from the Insurer, in the case of the disappearance of the property, the Client undertakes to act jointly with the Owner and to make available to him all the documents required by the Insurer in order to complete the file and the access to indemnities.
1. VERBAL PROCESS with the signature of the Police Officer issuing the Police Station document and stamp, the specification that the driver is / is not under the influence of alcohol (in the event of an accident), a copy of the RCA Insurance and the Registration Certificate for the other vehicle involved in the accident .
2. REPAIR AUTHORIZATION with the signature of the Police Officer issuing the document, the Police Station stamp and APPENDIX 2 (for the Insurance Company), in case of damage to the parking lot.
6. Maintenance and Repair
a. Mechanical wear under normal conditions is the responsibility of the Owner. Any damage to the car will be reported immediately and in the event that the vehicle will need repairs, these will be performed by the Customer only with the written consent of the Owner and in accordance with his instructions. The invoice, receipt and description of the repair, together with the defective components, will be handed over by the Customer, the Owner.
b. If the truck can not be repaired within 3 working days, the owner has the obligation to replace the car or refund the rental days. The owner has the obligation to provide hotel accommodation to the client, throughout the repair of the car.
7. Liability
a) Until the car is handed over according to the client's signature to the rental agent, the Customer is fully responsible for the theft of the car and he / she will be obliged to pay the car value in accordance with the vehicle purchase invoice. In case of non-payment within 5 days from the date of the theft registration, A & G Intermed SRL reserves the right to sue the Client.
b) Additional customer or drivers approved by the Owner are liable for material or criminal liability for any violation (during driving) of the applicable Romanian Laws.
c) If the final destination differs from that communicated by the customer and stipulated in the rental agreement, A & G Intermed SRL reserves the right to stop the guarantee;
d) In the event of a technical malfunction due to inappropriate handling of the car by the Client, A & G Intermed reserves the right to terminate the Contract without any obligation to pay to the Customer, including the retention of the Damage Cover Warranty.
8. Validity of the Contract
Apart from a written statement, no alteration of the validity or contractual conditions is accepted.
9. Conflict resolution
For any misunderstanding regarding the Contract, within the limits of the local law:
-If the Customer is a natural person, the Tribunal will be elected in accordance with local law;
-The client being the legal person, the Tribunal to which the potential conflicts will be resolved will be chosen only from the perimeter of the registered office of the rental company.
10. Special clauses
a) If the vehicle subject to the present Contract is the victim of a theft and it is determined by the competent authorities that the CLIENT UTILIZER has facilitated the total or partial theft, the CUSTOMER USER hereby oblige to pay immediately contractual obligations arising out of the Contract and to indemnify the Owner up to the amount of the total value of the leased property.
b) In this case, having ascertained by the competent authorities that the CUSTOMER USER was an accomplice to the theft of the motor vehicle, the parties agree that this situation is assimilated to a loan that the owner gave to the CUSTOMER-UTILIZER at the time of commissioning and making available of the vehicle according to the object of this Agreement and the latter (the USER) is obliged to repay this loan.
11. This Agreement constitutes an Enforcement Order without the need for a court order, and may be invested with enforceable form before the competent authorities.
I have read the terms and conditions of the Rental Agreement